
About the Plaidwerx Shops

Plaidwerx maintains shops at four print-on-demand websites, communities of independent artists worldwide that offer a wide selection of made-to-order products. While Plaidwerx designs the products, and receives a royalty when they are purchased, each of the sites handle the ordering, manufacturing, billing, and shipping processes.

Diagram of how POD works

The POD Suppliers:

Fourthwall: Headquartered in Venice, California and Poznán, Poland; works with manufacturing and fulfullment partners around the world in the United States, UK, Europe, and Australia.

Redbubble: Headquartered in Melbourne, Australia, San Francisco, California, and Berlin, Germany; ships from Australia, the UK, and the United States.

Society6: Headquartered in California; ships from Australia, Germany, Italy, the UK, South Korea, and the United States.

Zazzle: Headquartered in Redwood City, California, Reno, Nevada and Cork, Ireland; ships from the United States.

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Plaidwerx Shops