Fanny Packs
From the Highlands of Scotland in the 1700s to the catwalks of New York City in the 21st Century, plaid has continued to be an enduring fashion statement and home decorating staple.
Drawing on a lifelong love of patterns and color, along with decades of experience in quiltmaking and textile crafts, Susan Wallace, the designer for Plaidwerx has created a collection of unique contemporary and traditional plaids - all sized for a variety of customizable products and gifts.
Plaidwerx maintains shops at four print-on-demand websites, communities of independent artists worldwide that offer a wide selection of made-to-order products. While Plaidwerx designs the products, and receives a royalty when they are purchased, each of the individual sites handle the ordering, manufacturing, billing, and shipping processes.
Photo Credits: Dunrobin Castle, Sutherland, Scotland © 2008 Paul Wordingham, CC BY-SA 2.0;
Aerial view of Stirling Castle, © 2011, John McPake, CC BY-SA 2.0